Evaluation Model of Competitiveness Strategies in Small and Medium Industrial Firms
Zárraga Cano Lucila , Molina Morejón Víctor , Molina Romero Víctor , Gonzales Flores Oscar ,
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Small and medium-sized enterprises are fundamental for the industrial sector because they complement the productive chains. The success of these companies is supported by the business strategies that promote competitiveness. The objective of this study was to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of business strategies in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the state of Coahuila, Mexico through the perceptions of managers, using a survey of 190 small and medium-sized enterprises registered within the codes 331 to 337 of the North American Industry Classification System. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory, and correlational non-experimental investigation where the convergent validity, the discriminant validity and the internal reliability of the reflective model of measurement were determined using structural equation modeling using covariance structures. The three hypotheses showed values of "t-stats" higher than 1.96 and all values of the factors of the external model were higher than 0.6. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the entrepreneurs were able to measure their company’s level of preparation to face the competitive environment based on the needs demanded by the customers, the resources and capacities that the company has so that it can ensure a coherent and effective value proposition that achieves a successful performance.
Value Proposition, Strategies, Relations with Customers, Performance of the Business, Model.
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