Dr.John Keets

Ijmsbr [ eISSN 2226-8235 ] is an Double Blind Peer reviewed open access journal having expertise in delivering high-quality and rapid publications, from online submission systems and in-depth double blind peer review to an efficient, author-friendly production process.

Cost of Capital and Corporate Performance of Selected Quoted Nigerian Manufacturing Firms Author’s Details: (1)Professor Rufus I. Akintoye-Department of Accounting, Babcock University-Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria (2)Dr. Fola Adegbie-Department of Accounting, Babcock University-Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria (3)Professor Olalekan Askhia-Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Babcock University-Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria (4)Abolade Akintola-Ph.D Scholar-Department of Business Administration and …

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