Determinants of Intention to Vaccinate Against Covid 19: An Approach Based on the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior
Author’s Details: (1)Meryem ZOGHLAMI-Faculty of Economics and Management of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar.Department of Marketing, Business and Research in Marketing (ERMA)
(2)Salma AYEB-Faculty of Economics and Management of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar.Department of Marketing, Business and Research in Marketing (ERMA)
while widespread availability of vaccines is encouraging news for the world’s population, a well developed set of strategies is required to promote vaccine acceptance and encourage people to get vaccinated. However, studies have revealed that offering information about vaccines is not the only measure to boost vaccine use and participation. This paper explores the factors impacting the intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19 based on interpersonal behavior theory (Triandis,1980).
An Internet based survey was conducted. A partial least squares structural equation model has been applied to understand determinants for intention to vaccination against Covid 19 on a sample from the Maghreb countries (mainly from Tunisia and Algeria). Final selection of 226 individuals was conducted using social media, direct email, social networks, and in coordination with community groups.
The results of this survey indicate that most respondents are in agreement with vaccination. Efforts to promote vaccination must therefore be continued. They also illustrate the importance of the recommendations of the doctor and family and friends on the intention to be vaccinated. However, the answers to certain questions indicate that a significant proportion of respondents had doubts about the usefulness, effectiveness and safety of the recommended vaccines.
Keywords: Covid19, intention to vaccinate, psychosocial theories, PLS approach, vaccination promotion.
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