Relevance of Virtual Reality in Minimizing Human Errors in Oil and Gas Companies
Author’s Details: (1) Dr. B.A Anuradha – Principal of Al-Ameen Institute of Management Studies-University of Mysore (2) Mohammed Ali Yahya AlHajj– Al-Ameen Institute of Management Studies-University of Mysore
Errors and mistakes are common in Business. It is important to minimize the effect of the error especially in environments like the oil and gas industry.Mistakes that lead to huge damages to the organization infrastructure resulting in innumerable losses. The major part of the error occurrences is due to the human factors. In this paper, the researchers show how the intervention of technology that eliminates the surprise factor causing such incidences inside the oil and gas industry.Technology like virtual reality (VR) which helps the employee to rehearse himself to get acquainted to situations to know how to react according to the system and organizational policies. Because Error is not accepted in hazardous situations such as digging or maintenance time. The work must be accurate. VR helps the employee to be ready to handle a scenario he has previously been exposed in the VR simulation and to prevent any kind of loss or injury.
Errors and mistakes are common in Business. It is important to minimize the effect of the error especially in environments like the oil and gas industry.Mistakes that lead to huge damages to the organization infrastructure resulting in innumerable losses. The major part of the error occurrences is due to the human factors. In this paper, the researchers show how the intervention of technology that eliminates the surprise factor causing such incidences inside the oil and gas industry.Technology like virtual reality (VR) which helps the employee to rehearse himself to get acquainted to situations to know how to react according to the system and organizational policies. Because Error is not accepted in hazardous situations such as digging or maintenance time. The work must be accurate. VR helps the employee to be ready to handle a scenario he has previously been exposed in the VR simulation and to prevent any kind of loss or injury.
Keywords: Virtual reality, Oil and Gas, Human Error, Technology