Credit Risk Management: An Insight into Its Policies and Strategy Formulation.


Evans Brako Ntiamoah , Eugene Oware Koranteng , Yaw Brew ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 55-58 | Views: 365 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457843

Volume 3 - December 2014 (12)


Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to have an insight into policies and strategy formulation of credit risk management in Ghana. Commercial banks play a critical role to emerging or developing economics like Ghana where borrowers have no or limited access to capital markets Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted both qualitative (case study) and quantitative methods respectively. Banks were selected to gather data, which was acquired from answers obtained from our administered questionnaires. The population of the survey constituted the management and non-management staff and customers of Ecobank (EBG), Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) and Stanbic Bank. Findings: The data gathered for the study were analyzed using correlation. Results of the study showed that there are high positive correlation between the constructs of credit risk management, its policies and strategy formulation. 


credit risk management, credit risk policies, credit risk strategies and Ghanaian banking industry.


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