An Empirical Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Practices in the Public Sector.


kwamebrako , Eugene Abrokwah , Mark Agyei-Sakyi , Anthony Siaw , Beatrice Opoku ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-54 | Views: 381 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457836

Volume 3 - December 2014 (12)


Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate recruitment and selection practices in the public sector in Ghana. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted both qualitative (case study) and quantitative methods respectively. Ghana revenue authority was selected to gather data, which was acquired from answers obtained from our administered questionnaire. The population of the survey constituted the management and non-management staff of Ghana Revenue Authority in the Greater Accra Region. Findings: Hypotheses of the study were analyzed using correlation and regression. Results of the study showed that there are high positive correlations between the constructs of recruitment and selection processes, selection decision and public sector


Recruitment and selection practices, public sector, Ghana Revenue Authority. 


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