Analysis of Risk- Response based on Railroad Construction Project .


Ploywarin Sangsomboon , Song Yan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 81-91 | Views: 396 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458727

Volume 3 - December 2014 (12)


Risk-response is a key component of risk management in railroad construction,for the solution of this problem, certain objectives are designed and realized to contribute this engineering project. During railroad construction risk factors exist in construction project from different aspects; for which all adopted response measures are different. In this paper we begin from theory and choose case studies aspect in risk management that how to adopt response measures. Forty-three risk factors were collected from past research and interviews with railway engineers, and grouped into nine categories. Risk response measures for each risk factor were then analyzed. The measurement is included risk retention, risk reduction, risk transfer, risk elimination or avoidance, and contingency allowances. By interviewing the railroad contractors in one project in the light of case studies, it was found that the most widely used risk response measurements were risk reduction, risk retention, and risk transfer, respectively. The present considerations of railroad contractors used for selecting their risk response measures for each risk factor. These considerations include costs of risk response measures, project procurement, delivery systems and forms of project payment. By questionnaire survey we found that abundant construction management, having nine kinds of crisis, showing that most of crisis are with contractor and relate to designer, only few belong to government agencies, related to sub-contractor and external factors. 


Railway Construction Crisis; response measures; railroad project


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