Chinese Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (Smes) Early Warning Human Resources Crisis.


Ploywarin Sangsomboon , Song Yan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 70-80 | Views: 364 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457856

Volume 3 - December 2014 (12)


With world economic integration, Chinese enterprises joined international market for competitiveness and develop active enterprise activities. The domestic and international advanced experience of human resources needs an effective management of Chinese enterprises. In this regard SMEs face human resource crises to expand cooperation and development of international market. Therefore, study of SMEs human resources crisis early warning has practical significances. This paper describes concept of human resource management, problems and reasons about human resource crisis early warning of SMEs in China. It designs early warning index system of human resource crisis of the SMEs. We use analytic hierarchy process method for finding effect of early warning index from three factors like external environment, enterprise and individual. We use extension engineering method for extension early warning model of human resource crisis of the SMEs including extension prediction sub-model and extension evaluation sub-model. The extension early warning model is chosen on SMEs to make case analysis and research, and forwarded countermeasures and Suggestions from major factors HRM and human resource crisis early warning and sub factors like building up HRM concept, perfect HRM institution, establishing human resource crisis management system, forming crisis early warning team, and establishing crisis information database. 


SMEs; Human Resources Crisis; Early Warning Model; Extension Evaluation


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