Reinforcing the National Innovation System of Malaysia based on UniversityIndustry Research Collaboration: A System Thinking Approach


Abeda Muhammad Iqbal , Aslan Amat Senin , Adnan Shahid Khan ,

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Volume 4 - January 2015 (01)


This study attempts to reinforce the national innovation system (NIS) of Malaysia based on university-industry research collaboration (UIRC). For this purpose, the critical constraints of NIS of and their root causes have been identified first. In this regard, quality of research and human capitals has been categorized as critical constraints of NIS. By using system thinking approach, it is found that lack of education and training between university-industry personals is the basic cause of low quality of research and poor human capital. Furthermore, the analysis of the research illustrates that diminutive expenditure on education and training is the root cause of low quality of research and less human capital. Secondly, this research explores the balancing and reinforcing factors that not only overcome the constraints of education and training between UIRC but also helpful to enhance the quality of research and human capital for the development of NIS of Malaysia. The developed reinforcing model highlighted the outcomes that emerge after improving the quality of research and the human capital using balancing and reinforcing factors.


National Innovation System, University-Industry Research collaboration, System Thinking, Success factors, Outcomes of NIS.


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