The Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Programs At The Palm Oil Mill Companies On Regional Development In South Labuhan Batu District


Abdul Rajab Pasaribu , Badaruddin , Syaad Affifuddin , Rudjiman , Syafrizal Helmi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 35-52 | Views: 397 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458748

Volume 4 - January 2015 (01)


The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the CSR implementation whether is has been operating effectively and influenced by the district government or otherwise. In addition, it is also to examine whether there is any effect of the application of CSR to the regional development or otherwise. This study is conducted in the district of South Labuhan Batu in North Sumatera province, while the location is at the palm oil mill companies, government offices in the district and surrounding communities who are associated with the environment of those palm oil mill companies. The explanatory design is used by applying the method of survey in the South Labuhan Batu district and the variables consists of role of government, CSR implementation and regional development. The population is divided into three categories: (i) the existing palm oil mill companies in the South Labuhan Batu district of 21 companies; (ii) south Labuhan Batu district government, represented by the Head of sub-districts and villages; (iii) the society of South Labuhan Batu district as the stakeholders of 275,067 people. While the sampling method is chosen as many as 100 respondents. The study concludes that the role of government partially has a positive and significant impact on the CSR implementation, and CSR variable partially has a positive and significant effect on the regional development. The role of government partially has a positive and significant impact on regional development, and the role of government is the more dominant variable when compared with CSR variable


Corporate social responsibility, regional development, sustainable development.


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