Conceptualizing the Role of Media in Market Orientation


Peter Andersen , Penny Simpson ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 53-62 | Views: 383 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458750

Volume 4 - January 2015 (01)


One of the main facets of the new global economy is the shift in the marketing strategy of business firms from product orientation to customer orientation. This strategic shift began with the notion of market orientation in which a company directs all its departments and units toward satisfying customer needs and responding to competitors’ actions. Adopting such a strategy needs using all available resources and integrating marketing communication tools, such as media in both traditional and non-traditional forms. This study is an attempt to conceptualize the role of media in implementing a market orientation strategy in a competitive market. Through a critical review of previous changes in marketing strategies, the paper provides a useful historical background for studying market orientation, its effect on firm performance, and the importance of media and the rise of electronic word-of-mouth. A conceptual framework is provided to clarify the role of each factor in creating a market orientation strategy. Some suggestions for future research are also made. 


Market Orientation, Marketing Concept, Media Mix, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Integrated Marketing Communications, Social Media


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