Firms Restructuring: From Crisis to Development


Maria Fedele , Emanuela Antonucci ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 16-23 | Views: 377 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458742

Volume 4 - January 2015 (01)


The current crisis is weakening and testing the equilibrium of domestic enterprises and not. From the result of research already done, several events that are exogenous and/or endogenous represent the origin of the decline of corporate performance, and especially if such events are not promptly perceived and interpreted appropriately by government, they may be symptoms not only of decline but at the times of crisis. The objective of this research is, therefore, to investigate the possible ways in order to cope with the difficulties of the company were, that can maintain or reassess the value. Specifically, two solutions will be draw, one that will be referred as “stragiudizionale” and the other “giudizionale”. In order to highlight the possibilities of development of the companies that are experiencing serious economic and financial crisis, present work adopts a literary approach, based on scientific contributions mainly with reference to the crisis of the modern enterprise, its restructuring and especially to its return to value. Through these scientific proposals, the work comes to analyze the possible implications for management. In fact, it is fundamental to invest in a culture aimed to create shared value with all corporate stakeholders. Only in this way the enterprise will be able to successfully dealing with pathological states of crisis or traumatic events. Finally, it seems appropriate to indicate as a limit of the ongoing research, the lack of a quantitative analysis in order to verify the consistency of the results achieved by an analysis that is based on scientific-literary content. 


Decline, crisis, development, turnaround.


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