Analysis the quality of life for the citizens in the level of the Zabol city.
Akbar Kiani , Hussein Ali Hashemi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 72-78 | Views: 382 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458756
Today the quality of urban life is the key concept in urban planning .on this basis in many countries the planners are trying to show the different geographical levels so that they enable identify optimal solutions to improve lives of disadvantages areas according to studied indices. The goal of this research is analyzing the quality life of citizens in city of Zabol. In present study, the quality of life have been considered as an interaction among sources, possibilities and provided opportunities for supplying human needs and also receive, assessment and satisfactory of individuals and groups for meeting their needs in a specific location .the research method is descriptive – analytic and is based on documentary librarian, field studies. To achieve this goal we set out to investigate and gather information and questionnaires were distributed in city of Zabol and have been analyzed by using Vicor model. The result assessment and ranking of different districts of Zabol according to seven indices of quality of life using VIKOR model have been studied and shows that district 3 is in first place and district 4 is in fifth place.
Quality of life, Sustainable development, District, Zabol
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