Hypebeast Fashion Phenomena As A Sub-Culture Identity ( A Case Study: Jakarta Hypevibe Community)
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A phenomenon called "Hypebeast", the name for users of streetwear fashion that are hype or trends when launched. This phenomenon initially only ranged around streetwear products such as Palace, Supreme, or BAPE. However, now fashion brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Dior are beginning to target the Streetwear market. The research informants are members of the Jakarta Hypevibe community and two supporting informants who understand Fashion. Based on the background above, it was formulated in the research that is how Hypebeast fashion became the identity of the Sub Culture of the Jakarta Hypevibe community. Fashion is a cultural phenomenon, in the sense that fashion is a method used by a group or individual to construct and communicate their identity „Fashion as Communication‟ and people tend to make a judgment based on what is used by others as well as those done by Hypebeast in Indonesia. This type of research is descriptive with the quantitative approach and using the observation method. The population in this study were members of Jakarta's Hypevibe and two supporting informants who understood fashion. Primary data of this study were obtained from interviews. The Jakarta Hypevibe community is an influencer for fashionistas, they are able to express their identity through the fashion wore. The results obtained in this study were the Jakarta Hypevibe Community tried to build identity through a series of lifestyles, fashion styles, and cultural values contained. The Jakarta Hypevibe community created their own identity, which was a teenage identity that was fashionable and stylish
Fashion, Hypebeast, Sub-Culture
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