Consumer Practices in Rizal, Nueva Ecija: A Basis for Adopting an Effective Marketing Strategy for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises


Isagani Facun Pascua , Rowell Agliones Diaz ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 89-93 | Views: 665 | Downloads: 203 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4972675

Volume 9 - August 2020 (08)


It is stated that marketing is a never ending activity. All marketing revolve around the consumer. For this reason, there is constant need to study, analyse and understand the consumer, his needs, wants, taste, preferences, biases, practices and many others. It is the responsibility of the retailer or seller to fully evaluate and understood these factors as it affects the daily operation of the business. The retailer or seller must be able to identify as to what products consumer needs, when and how they buy these products, where they buy the products and their capacity of consumer to obtain these products.
The study will focus on how consumers will buy products, how price and promotion will affect their buying, what is the buying time and where will they buy. Since the research is concerned with the existing consumer practices in Rizal, Nueva Ecija, descriptive method is the most appropriate method to be used. Descriptive research method was utilized in this study. A total of 351 respondents were selected out of 2,921 household in selected barangay in the Municipality of Rizal using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and One Way ANOVA as statistical tools. The output of the study revealed that the respondents’ profile, monthly income, has no correlation to the respondents’ consumer practices. This leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. The findings show that there is a statistical proof that there exists no significant relationship between the respondents’ profile, monthly income and their consumer practices and three (3) out of six consumer practices have significant difference. These are: Product Bought; Prices of Product; and Store Reputation. The table above further shows that that there is a significant difference on the factor that influences them to buy or shop in retail store.


Consumer Practices, Marketing Strategy, MSMEs, Consumer, Marketing Mix, Product, Rizal, Nueva Ecija


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