Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry.
judipat obiora , Seth Accra Jaja ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 18-27 | Views: 349 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458770
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behaviour in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry. The five measures of organizational citizenship behaviour which we used as our criterion variable were altruism, conscientiousness, civic virtue, courtesy and sportsmanship. The study units comprised managers and workers and hence the corresponding level of analysis was the micro-level. The cross sectional survey was conducted with a sample size of 1450 workers drawn from a population of 3768 workers. The scales used were within the acceptable Cronbach Alpha values of 0.7, which was interpreted to be reliable. A total of 1,093 copies of completed and usable questionnaire was used for data analysis. Furthermore, descriptive statistics were computed at the primary level of analysis, while the Spearman Rank Order Coefficient was used at the secondary level of analysis. The result of the analysis showed that there is a positive and weak significant association between organizational support and altruism, civic virtue and sportsmanship, while a strong relationship was found between organizational support and conscientiousness and courtesy. The study finally recommends that management should develop support toward workers input that will promote personal well-being and enhance extra discretionary behaviour
perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behaviour, hospitality industry
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