Reasons For Consumer Trust In Health Websites: An Approach Integrating Website-Based Factors And Personality-Based Factors.


Feten , Imed Zaiem ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-39 | Views: 384 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458776

Volume 4 - February 2015 (02)


This research attempts to shed some light on the mechanism of the e-trust formation associated to a first phase and meeting between partners, based on the service quality delivered by the website and the personal characteristics of Internet users. An application on a health website showed that the website design, the quality and quantity of its content and the confidentiality politics are the main elements that impact positively the trust formation in health website. Moreover, it showed that disposition to trust has a positive and direct impact on the e-trust. In turn, the familiarity and the expertise of the Internet users play moderating roles. 


E-trust; Initial e-trust; E-service quality; Disposition to trust; Familiarity; Expertise; Health-based website.


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