Strategic Decision Making Process in Complex Situations. The Deciding Factor of Cyprus-Turkish Airlines


Almaz Sandybayev , Dr. Izzet Derkan- ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 71-76 | Views: 379 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458921

Volume 4 - March 2015 (03)


Strategic decision making is a major component of any management activity. Management decision is the choice of alternatives implemented in the framework of its vision and mission and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. The paper introduces an explanatory method how to strategize decision making process based on the example of Cyprus-Turkish Airlines Company until its collapse in 2010. The management and external powers made a decision to stop operations that influenced on a total balance of aviation structure and image of the country. This paper tries to investigate what factors affected on decision making from a narrow author’s perspective and to understand that decision making failures are getting costly. The literature review generates insights and focuses on the main factors that affect decision making and how these factors have a great impact and significance on decision makers and environment. These insights and the investigation of the effects of strategic decision making provide practical implications to the managers and offers effective decision outcomes which are crucial for such country as Northern Cyprus to enlarge its political and social existence on the global arena.


Strategic decision-making, decision, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus-Turkish Airlines Company


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