Identifying and Developing Competencies Required for Business Managers in Global Environment


Zahi Yaseen , Marwan, Yussef ,

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Volume 6 - October 2017 (10)


The goal of this research is to identify managerial competencies that business managers should develop in order to achieve their organizational goals in a global environment.A mixed method is utilized for this research which consists of both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools from the selected participants in order to identify managerial competencies that business managers must be developed.  The population was selected from 1000 firms listed in the Yellow pages of Etisalat. A random sampling procedure was used to select 400 firms from different types of sectors. The respondents of this study incorporated 200 business owners with a 50 % response rate.
The research results indicated that 98 % of the respondent revealed that knowledge of profession’s work is the most important in the categories of job knowledge requirements for business managers. Communication and interpersonal skills in the entry-level position are ranked first, both cited by 95% of respondents.The research study is limited to the private sector in the UAE; further research is needed in the public sector. Moreover, this research has been accomplished through limited open-ended questions and a semi-structured interview. This led to a limited research study. 


Business managers’ competencies, International business, Global workforce, human capital.


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