The Impact Of TV Advertisement On The Life Style Of Pakistani Youth (Gujarat-Pakistan, March-2014).


Wasif Ammar , Haider Ali , Aqeel Rasool Janjua , Saqib Ilyas ,

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Volume 4 - May 2015 (05)


The purpose of this study was to acquire the role of the TV advertisement in changing the life style of Pakistani youth in accordance with their attitude, habit, moral values and taste. It was a community-based analytical study, which prevailed from January 2014 to March 2014. A group of 200 respondents took part in the study out of which 92 were female, 108 were male, and data was collected from University of Gujrat. In results, females and males both point out that the advertisement has an impact on changing the lifestyle of youth in accordance with their habits, attitude, taste and moral values.


impact, lifestyle, Youth, Advertisement.


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