Evaluation And Analysis Of Citizens’ Satisfaction With The Quality Of Life And Its Impact On Urban Development (Case Study: The City Of Khash).
Gholam Reza Miri , Morteza Esmael Nezhad , Shoaib Kahrazeh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 09-14 | Views: 387 | Downloads: 120 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459085
Quality of urban life is one of the most important fields of urban studies in different countries which have multiple components of the social, environmental and economic. Because of its role as an important tool in the management and planning of urban and generally determine the habitable of cities, attention to this index has been increased in cities. The present research follows Evaluation and analysis of citizens' satisfaction with the quality of life and its impact on urban development (The case study: the city of Khash). The research methodology is descriptive-analytic and is based on the library and field investigation as questionnaire. The results of investigations showed that the constituent elements of environmental quality in both studied areas, although with slight differences, are similar. It was also specified that although citizens' satisfaction with the quality of the environment isn't desirable, but new residents are more satisfied than the old residents. Satisfaction survey found that constituent elements of environmental quality are at the local level. In the new fabric of the city, the greatest impact on citizens' satisfaction was related to socioeconomic dimension and the citizens of the old fabric of the city have the greatest satisfaction from the perceived dimension.
Satisfaction, quality of life, new and old urban fabric, Khash
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