The Rehabilitation of Draa Naga Arboretum on the Forest of Djebel El Ouahch (North eastern-Algeria).


Malika Rached-Kanouni , M. Rached Kanouni , S. Leguene , A. Hadef ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 24-28 | Views: 390 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459983

Volume 4 - May 2015 (05)


The aim of our work is to make a rehabilitation of Draa naga arboretum. Created in 1970 by the French colonial authorities, the arboretum covers 31 hectares in the north-eastern part of the forest of Djebel El Ouahch, formed by 77 plots. This arboretum has many assets as landscaped and pedagogical: it gathers 45 different species and has some remarkable species (red oak, Coulter pine, black pine). Since its creation in 1954, it has been the subject of experimental plantations of different hardwood and softwood species from different sources (America-Europe-Australia). Some work has been done since the launch: especially in 1983, the site received a complete silvicultural work (pruning-cleaning-plantation-stocking ...). In this study we will try to provide an arboretum management plan to make it in good condition.


Draa Naga Arboretum, Degradation, Rehabilitation, silvicultural work


  1. Hadef A., Rached-Kanouni M. , Alatou D., Toubal O. (2014). Mapping of land by vegetation from Satellite data in the region of Chetaibi (Algeria). International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 3(6), 8-13.
  2. Rached-Kanouni M., Hadef A., Matallah I., Amine Khoja A.E.M., Saighi K., D. Alatou D. (2014). Diagnostic of Draa Naga arboretum on the forest of Djebel El Ouahch (north-eastern Algeria). International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 3(9), 35-41.

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