Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Biological Reserve (Djebel El Ouahch, Constantine).
Malika Rached-Kanouni , Hechiche L , D. Alatou , A. Hadef ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 29-33 | Views: 381 | Downloads: 111 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459985
Biological Reserve Djebel El Ouahch is considered a unique environment known for its rich biodiversity. Thus, the study of the environment allows us to estimate that the site has undergone a sharp deterioration, mainly due to human action (illegal logging, overgrazing fires), and socioeconomic factors. In this study, we propose a project for rehabilitation and restoration of this reserve who registers within a framework of protection of fauna and flora of this ecosystem, and that'll participate in the same time developing a green tourism.
Biological Reserve (Djebel El Ouahch), degradation, restoration, rehabilitation.
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