Estimated Contamination Risk Of Heavy Metals (Ni And Zn) Of A Soil Grown (Cucumis Melo) On Industrial Activity Zone (El-Hadjar – Annaba – Algeria).


Malika Rached-Kanouni , Medjmedj A , Kadem .D.E.D - ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 34-38 | Views: 422 | Downloads: 140 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459989

Volume 4 - May 2015 (05)


Our study, conducted in the industrial area of El-Hadjar (Annaba), aims to assess the impact of heavy metals on an agricultural soil and vegetation (melon) just outside the steel complex. The assessment to cover the total contents, exchangeable and soluble. These metals were measured in the surface soil (0-20 cm) and long (20-40 cm) and the melon sheets. The results obtained confirm the presence of two elements (Zn and Ni) in all samples analyzed (soil and vegetation). The total zinc measured in the soil is in relatively more by contribution to nickel. As for the soluble and exchangeable contents, Ni s is more important than Zn.


industrial area (El-Hadjar), heavy metals (Zn, Ni), soil, vegetation (melon)


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