Effective Performance Management Systems and Employee Productivity: Evidence from Multichoice Company, Nigeria.
john nsikan , Tommy, Uduak Ime , Umoh, Victor. A , Daniel Osemudiamen ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 39-51 | Views: 366 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460039
This paper proposed implementation strategy of an effective performance management system capable of ensuring workers productivity. Multichoice Nigeria was the organization under focus; the study population comprises all the 617 staff of the organisation. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw fifty (50) respondents from the population space. Structured questionnaire was used as instrument of data collection while frequency distribution and percentages were used in analyzing the data. Major findings showed that most employees were unaware of the prevailing model of performance management system in the organization. Employees feel that the company’s performance management system has failed to give a proper assessment of their contribution to the organization. Workers are generally not satisfied with the staff performance review system of Multichoice limited. This study recommends the adoption of a 360 degree system of performance management for its ability to facilitate prompt achievement of the company objective and enhance productivity
Performance Evaluation, Employee Productivity, Performance Management
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