Role of Trust and Organizational Commitment on Employee Turnover Study of Non-Banking Financial Institutions of Sukkur Region.
Bilawal Ali Soomro , Ali Hassan Halepoto Assistant Professor , Dr. Mohammad Salih Memon ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 08-13 | Views: 426 | Downloads: 152 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460049
Employees Turnover is observed in most of the organizations in this connection efforts were made to trace out the resigns behind that and the study was conducted in non-banking financial institutes (Insurance Companies) working in sukkur region, data was through primary source through structured questioner and analysis the data with SPSS 18, and concluded that organizational commitment is positively and significantly related with employees turnover, while Trust is not significantly related with employees turnover.
Trust, Organizational Commitment, Employee Turnover, Non-Banking Financial Institutions.
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