Advertisement psychology: A Case Study of the Consumers’ Minds and Buying Behaviors of cellular phone user’s.


Dr. Muhammad Saleh Memon , Ali Hassan Halepoto Assistant Professor , Naeemuddin Shaikh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-35 | Views: 395 | Downloads: 122 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460067

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


Weight of the advertisement in the today’s era is very high and decision makers financing heavy budget on the advertisement. Advertisement is very easy method of sharing product or services knowledge with consumers and aware those consumers regarding his new or other products. Marketers are trying to advertise their messages psychologically in advertisement as consumer take decision after the introduction of the advertisement. This research article will provide the impacts of the psychological advertisement on the consumer mind and buying behavior and also identify those factors which effects consumer mind and buying behaviors. After this identification, advertiser can use these factors in this particular area of study (limitations must be kept in mind while take the decisions). In this research paper, primary data collected through questionnaires from (N) 200 respondents (both males and females) and on random sampling basis and supported by the literature review. This research covers the area of mobile phone. In this research paper we will find the sections of the literature review, hypothesis, methodology, finding and recommendations, limitations of the research, conclusions and references. 


Advertisement, psychology, consumer mind, buying behavior


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