Role of Organizational Justice and Job Security on Employee’s Job Satisfaction: Study of IBA Community Colleges.


Marvi Mallah , Muneeza Keerio , Dr. Noor Shah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 21-27 | Views: 394 | Downloads: 111 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460063

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


Employee retention is the problem of most of the organizations in today’s competitive world in this situation employers are too much worried about the satisfaction of their employees towards the attainment of organizational task and performance, in this connection study was carried out for tracing the reasons for enhancing the satisfaction level of employees working in IBA Community colleges of Sindh Province, data was collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS. 18, and results suggested that Employee Job Performance and Organizational Justice are positively and significantly related with the Employee Job Satisfaction while Job Security got insignificant relation with Employee Job Satisfaction. 


Organizational Justice, Employee Job Performance, Employee Job Satisfaction, and Job Security


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