Advertising Competence (for Personal Care Products) endowed to Consumer Purchase Decisions.


Dr. Muhammad Saleh Memon , Ms. Safia Khan , Mr. Shoaib Hyder. ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 41-47 | Views: 387 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460074

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


Successful multinationals trigger to adopt the strategy of seek first to understand and then to be understood, the same has been centric to the themes of this study that how the corporate houses are capturing the minds of present and future prospects with the aim of value generation with the binding relations to build the advertising competence in their promotional operations. The study involves six independent variables, which best prescribes the measurement parameters for advertising competence and their influential significance on dependent variable of consumer purchase decisions. The objective of the study is to screen out the most contributing variables; whereby a sample of 209 individuals is kept in consideration. The hypothesis regarding six independent variables were formed to evaluate the significant impact on dependent variable; from them four were found accepted and rest of two are rejected for this research. The application of SPSS-18 has been adopted by applying the technique of Linear Regression for data analysis and results interpretation. Thanks to the versatility of the research that it is screened out for three significantly contributing variables in building the advertising competence by boosting their core dimensions, avoiding the rest of others would safeguard resources wastage and promote efficiency in the advertising. 


Advertising, Competence, Consumer Purchase Decisions, Personal Care Products.


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