Inclination of Business Graduates towards Entrepreneurship A case study of HEIs of Sindh Province.
Sajid Hussain Mirani , Ali Hassan Halepoto Assistant Professor , Dr. Muhammad Saleem Rahpoto ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 58-69 | Views: 424 | Downloads: 131 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460080
This research focused on rural and urban business graduates attitude in enterpreneurship and impact of public and private university whoimparting education in Sindh, province. The survey based withstructured questionnaire in which 160 business graduates (MBA) are examine in 16 business institutes of Sindh, province. Categorical data was analyzed by SPSS-17 inwhich response rate was 97%, almost 72% business graduates inclined toward entrepreneurship and MBA (marketing) has shown positive impact on entrepreneurial attitude and business graduates mostly preferred the servicebased model of entrepreneurship despite of rural and urban difference in Sindh.It is found that business graduateswho are interesed to become entrepreneur they percieved that access to finance,economic uncertainty and fear of failure are the major obstacles in sindh,province.
Entrepreneurship; Higher Education Institutes.
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