Impact of Demographic Factors on Deviant Workplace Behavior in the Pakistani Public Organizations


Javed Iqbal , Dr. Mohd Nazri Baharom , Dr. Mohd Dino Khairi Bin Sharfuddin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 57-71 | Views: 1517 | Downloads: 429 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472313

Volume 6 - September 2017 (09)


This study investigated the impact of Demographic factors, i.e., Gender, Marital Status, Education, Experience, Tenure, and Level of job and Nature of employment on deviant workplace behaviour (DWB) and under the theoretical support of Social exchange theory, social learning theory and Breach of psychological contract theory.  The results were analyzed from a sample of 380 employees from  20 Public organizations, i.e., universities, autonomous bodies and special institutions providing services to promote education and training sector in the Punjab province of Pakistan are selected for the questionnaire survey. SPSS-21 is employed to analyze the quantitative data. Results revealed significant relationship and supported the hypothesized direct impact of demographic factors on deviant workplace behavior in the Pakistani public organizations.


Deviant Workplace Behavior, Demographic Factors, Public Organisations


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