Employee Engagement as a Driving Force of Organizational Success. (A Case Study of UMSIT Kotli).


Imrab Shaheen,lecturer , Dr.Sabahat Akram , Dr.Faheem Ghazanfar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 126-133 | Views: 406 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460250

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


Success of any organization is determined by its workforce, and at the foundation of every successful educational institution are engaged teachers whose contributions push their institution to touch the peaks of glory. This study is aimed to assess the impact of teacher's engagement on the overall performance of university. In this study the predictor variable is teacher's engagement and criterion variable is performance. Data is collected through a five point likert scale questionnaire and responses are tested through regression analysis using SPSS version,20. The findings confirmed that engagement is a significant predictor of university performance. Furthermore the findings of this study suggest that organizational strategies, culture & values aspects of engagement should be given due consideration in educational settings


Engagement, Performance, Organizational strategies, Culture & values Organizational Strategies.


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