The Impact of Health Professionals Empowerment as a Shared Responsibility to Enhance Job Satisfaction within Health Sector of Pakistan.
Rukhsana Rehman , Dr Muhammad Najam Ul Arfeen- , Sarwat Sabir ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 46-54 | Views: 400 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3461451
In this world of globalization, there is a dire need in organizations for empowerment that makes employees in a position to make accurate and quick decisions and react speedily to any changes in the surroundings. Employee Empowerment has become a part of the business philosophy in recent years. In Pakistan, hospitals are considered important assets and are trying to enhance their competitiveness by increasing job satisfaction level. This research study tested the importance of employee empowerment on job satisfaction in Gocernment / public hospitals of Pakistan. It was hypothesized that employee empowerment has an impact on job satisfaction. A questionnaire used as a tool to collect the data and was distributed to 400 respondents out of which 390 received, resulting in a rate of response of 97.5%. Data analyzed by the researchers using statistical methods group, including descriptive statistics, frequencies, reliability analysis, correlation and regression analysis tests. Among the most important results, it was concluded that employee empowerment has a positive impact on employee job satisfaction. The research results revealed that employee empowerment leads to higher employee job satisfaction in Pakistani Government hospitals.
Employee empowerment, Job satisfaction, Employees, Hospitals, Pakistan
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