A Study on the Relationship between Working Environment and Labor Unrest in Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh.
Mohammad Ishtiak Uddin , Sadia Tangem ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 32-36 | Views: 369 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3461488
Volume 4 - September 2015 (09)
Over 80% of export earnings are come from ready-made garments sector in Bangladesh. Basically, this sector is the key base of foreign earnings and as well as for employment generation to the economic development of a nation as a whole. About more than 5 million workers are involved in this sector of Bangladesh. In recent years, this sector is facing serious disturbances from workers due to unwelcomed working environment which are created a serious bad image to the international buyers. Keeping this concern, the study is try to find out the relationship between labor unrest and working environment of ready-made garments sector in Bangladesh. A total of 80 workers were selected through simple random sampling technique (lottery method). To collect primary data a well structured and close-ended questionnaire has been used. The data were analyzed and interpreted using linear regression, coefficient analysis and SPSS 16.0 to serve the purpose of the study. The study concluded with the observation that majority of the respondents give emphasis on unjust payment behavior, absence of proper infrastructural facilities, absence of proper recreation facilities and mental harassment. If the government and authority of garments sector in Bangladesh work over these issues seriously then it will be easily eliminated.
Working Environment, Labor Unrest, Ready-Made Garment (RMG), Industry, Bangladesh
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