Impact of Core HR Practices on Employee Engagement.


Abdul Haseeb Khan , Rehmat Khatoon ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 68-73 | Views: 388 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3461492

Volume 4 - September 2015 (09)


Employee engagement is one of the significant issues in modern business world. The purpose of study is to identify the important dimensions in organizations which influence employee engagement, to overcome the difficulty while engaging employment and developing effective strategies by organizations. Through this study, the related party not only can understand in depth the causes or effects of various influencing variables but also helps to refine current understanding and importance of employee engagement within an organization. Considerable attention has been given to the identification of driving force behind Employee Engagement and this study provide a new interpretation and dimension of variables influencing employee engagement for success of any organization in fruitful way. This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of important dimensions on employee engagement in organizations of Pakistan. A quantitative approach based survey in form of close ended structured five point likert scale questionnaires was designed and used to implore the response. The data was collected from 125 employees of major organization working in Pakistan. The data was analyzed via regression analysis using SPSS software. Outcome epitomizes that there is significant relationship among employee engagement and decision making, reward, motivation employee satisfaction, training and development. However relationship among employee involvement, leadership and customer orientation was found insignificant. 


Employee Engagement, Decision Making, Reward Systems, Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, Leadership and Employee Involvement.


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