Investigating Cultural Influences on HR Practices of Pakistani-Owned SMEs in the UK.
Dr. Iftikhar A Butt , 2Dr. Alastair Evans , Dr. Stephen Roberts ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 15-34 | Views: 375 | Downloads: 117 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3462887
This article is based on an explorative study of cultural factors and their impact on people management strategies of Pakistani-owned SMEs in the UK. The topic of the research was investigated through in-depth literature review, case studies and questionnaire-based field survey. The literature review provided theoretical insights to the study and empirical investigation generated a wide range of information about practical scenario of these companies. The triangulation approach of the study helped in offsetting weaknesses of a specific method by strengths of other methods. The empirical investigation discovered a range of cultural factors such as religion, values, beliefs, traditions, ethnicity, languages and communication patterns playing a pivotal role in evolving and shaping HR strategies and practices of Pakistani-owned SMEs in the UK. The study contributed to the existing body of knowledge by furthering our substantive understanding about cultural influences on human resource management of SMEs. It provided some practical lessons to SMEs in the UK in general and ethnic minority SMEs in particular. Also the study paved the way for students and researchers to conduct further research in the area to overcome any limitations found in the findings
Culture, HRM, SMEs, UK, Triangulation, Religion, Values, Ethnicity, Diversity, recruitment, training, rewards, performance, employment relations, motivation
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