User Acceptance for E-Learning in Higher Education – TAM Model Study.
Anum Akmal , Rahmat Ullah , Emmen Farooq ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 53-69 | Views: 380 | Downloads: 112 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3462893
E-learning is quite rapidly emerging domain in higher education. In Pakistan around 20 universities have introduced learning management systems- LMS for teachers and students. The effectiveness of this LMS is yet questioned. There is a serious need of study to gauge user’s acceptance towards such LMS and redefining the LMS as per needs. Authors made an attempt to find answer to this question by using Technology Acceptance Model by Fred D. Davis. The study uses LMS of University of Management and Technology – UMT as case to investigate the phenomena. The study made in depth interviews of 15 students and five teachers to produce qualitative insight of LMS acceptance. Based on qualitative input a survey is designed and administered on 200 students and 50 teachers using systematic random sampling in UMT. The TAM instrument by (Ronnie H. Shroff, Christopher C. Deneen and Eugenia M. W. Ng, 2011) used after permission. The study reveals very useful insights for policy makers in E-learning and practitioners of LMS in higher education. The study has contributed a local perspective on E-learning in the body of knowledge. The study also provided useful guidelines to redefine and improve LMS in the universities.
User Acceptance, E-Learning, Higher Education, TAM Model Study
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