Consortia As Public Network. The Case Of An Italian Industrial Consortium


Raffaele Trequattrini , Federica Ricci , Ida Samantha Gilvari - ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 81-87 | Views: 334 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3462961

Volume 4 - October 2015 (10)


This research is placed in the literature under the subject of public networks for the development of territorial areas. Generally, studies on organizational strategy on the network are heading to more specialized areas of research. A topic that has recently been gaining an increasing interest is the influence of the social environment on the behavior and performance of the network of public and individual members (Meneguzzo, Cepiku, 2008). The work takes as a reference the case of industrial consortia - legal institutions governing joint initiatives for the conduct of certain business activities - both by private and public entities. In particular, it aims to provide an alternative reading that revisits the industrial consortium as an intermediate solution in the management of public goods (Ostrom, 1990). On the theoretical basis of Ostrom’s approach (1990), the work aims to provide an alternative reading for the governance of industrial consortia, because there wouldn’t be the only public/private dichotomy, but rather a plurality of combinations. Using a qualitative research methodology, the study will be enriched by a case history of an Italian industrial consortium, located in the Lazio region. 


 Industrial consortia, public network.


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