Evaluation of Lahore Bus Rapid Transit System.


kashif ali , Dr. KASHIF RATHORE ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 138-148 | Views: 363 | Downloads: 111 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3462988

Volume 4 - October 2015 (10)


This study evaluates Lahore bus rapid transit system according to BRT standard 2014. This study concludes that deviation from proposed transport policies is one of the factors that lead towards the failure of urban transport system in Lahore. Government did not pay proper attention to the recommendations proposed in different transport studies conducted by JICA and other transport institutions. The Lahore BRT has failed to receive gold, silver or bronze standard as it only achieved “Basic BRT” status. Lahore BRT is experiencing swear maintenance and operational issues that may lead towards the failure of Lahore BRT system in terms of passengers discomfort and reliability of the system may get affected in future


Lahore BRT evaluation, BRT scoring, performance evaluation, bus rapid transit system, gap between standard and actual Lahore BRT.


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