Process and Quality Management in Vocational Education & Training (VET).


Dr. Michail Glykas , Nawaf Omar Al Maery , Ali Hasan PHD Scholar , Mirvat Omar Al Maery ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 149-177 | Views: 347 | Downloads: 99 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3462994

Volume 4 - October 2015 (10)


UNESCO has been urging countries for the last decade to undertake initiatives to enhance Technical and Vocational Education and Training (VET) which should be a vital aspect of the educational process in all countries (UNESCO, 2001). This demand has driven countries to embark on their individual “quality missions” in an effort to uncover the best approach to embedding quality management into their reform programs. Quality implementation in VET has been approached differently depending on the countries’ culture, their education systems, and their societies rules and values. This paper presents what quality, in general, means and some of the main concepts associated with its implementation and assurance. Additionally, the aim of this research is to gauge the concept of quality management in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Thirdly, this paper looks to disseminate what has been discovered and highlight paths that those concerned with VET are taking. 


Quality Management, Vocational Training, Total Quality Management, Quality Standards, Quality Excellence Awards, Business Process Management


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