Improving Business Performance through Effective Inventory Management.


Jimoh, M , Olakunle A.O , McNAY B.D ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 52-73 | Views: 350 | Downloads: 100 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463020

Volume 4 - November 2015 (11)


This paper seeks to analyse inventory management systems in the grocery stores in Aberdeen, UK and see how it impacts on the business performance such as customer satisfaction and cost. In an attempt to gain an an understanding of inventory management the grocery retail sector in the UK was analysed. A purposive non probability sampling technique was adopted for the research using the qualitative research approach. A case study approach was adopted to further analyse inventory management systems and it effect on supply chain performance within the grocery retailing stores. The sampling size for the research was restricted to those practitioners who are involved in inventory management in grocery stores and those involved in customer services. 


Business Performance, Inventory Management, Customer Satisfaction and Cost


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