A Longitudinal Study to determine the Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Scientists and Engineers in a Research and Development Organization.
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Job satisfaction is a term used to describe how content an individual is with their job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by their parent’s occupation. The research paper aims to focus upon the issue of Job Satisfaction with relevance to the scientific professionals working in one of the premier Research and Development organization which concentrates on indigenous technology development in the state of Tamil Nadu India. The purpose of the present research was to conduct a longitudinal, multivariate analysis of variables associated with the job satisfaction levels of the scientists and engineers working in different groups and Sections. The problem statement is based on whether it is only the compensation package which has the worth of retention and employee satisfaction or it is the overall organizational culture which has a pivotal role in retention and making employee satisfy. The results revealed that as against the common notion that the educated and learned scientists of our country are dissatisfied and are looking towards the careers in the western countries, the scientists are generally a satisfied lot and that beyond salary, it’s the contingent rewards and recognition among co-workers that acts as the deciding factor for Job satisfaction among the intellectual and scientific population.
Job Satisfaction, Research & Development, Multivariate Analysis, Organization Culture
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