Enterprise and Development: The Role of Social Networks.


Giuseppe Granata ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 82-87 | Views: 356 | Downloads: 94 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463800

Volume 4 - December 2015 (12)


The advertising landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, as consumers spend more time online and less with traditional advertising. As a result, some advertisers are evolving to a culture of convergence where the traditional methods of work must adapt to the new reality of interactive and emerging media. The purpose of this article to show how agencies and companies are finding new ways to connect with consumers and build their brand. The increase in emerging media has led to a cultural change towards a "digital culture", which is also known as a "convergence culture." During this time, consumers have changed their choices by redefining their relationship with the media, reducing the time dedicated to the traditional ones and increasing the use of online media. The advertising industry, largely governed by the old systems, continues to struggle with the challenges of this digital world. They say new communications systems that are based on the interest that the user turns to new media such as social media network. 


on-line advertising, Web 2.0, online consumer behaviour, social network


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