Impact Of Workload And Inflexible Organizational Environment On The Employee Turnover In Private Sector Of Pakistan.
iftikhar ahmed , Mrs.Naveeda Zeb ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 12-19 | Views: 341 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463808
Changing business environment with ever rising competition has marked to the incredible changes in the organizational structure with shedding limelight on the importance of building effective work place environment in order to achieve better performance in terms of efficiency, productivity and higher outcomes. However, rising competition has compelled to the organizations to integrate inflexible working environment and put extra workload on employees to reduce cost of operations. This research is aimed to investigate impact of workload and inflexible work environment on inclination of turnover among employees. The data gathering process was undertaken around a selected number of respondents from private banking sector of Pakistan. To put the work at wider context, the survey approach was applied with the help of a structured questionnaire comprising a wide range of close-ended questions. To ensure more and more reliability and validity of the research findings, four leading banks - United Bank Limited, Habib Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited and Askari Bank Limited were selected. Analysis of the data was undertaken through application of various tests such as correlation and regression on SPSS. The findings of the research revealed that rising work load and complexity of work environment is generating dissatisfaction among employees, and consequently there is general trend among them to leave banking sector in search of better organizations.
Workload, Job Stress, Inflexible Organizational Environment, Employee Turnover, Banking Sector, Pakistan
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