The Effect of Parental Styles on the Influence of Teenagers in Families’ Household Decisions.


Ahmadi, Taraneh , Fereshteh Lotfizadeh , Kazem Gholizad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 20-27 | Views: 378 | Downloads: 113 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463810

Volume 5 - January 2016 (01)


the current study has been undertaken to investigate the effect of parents’ behavioral styles on the influence of teenagers in family consumption decisions. Parents’ behavioral styles include two dimensions of demand and response, as the extent of demand and response from parents towards children forms different styles of parenting; in this study, the relation between these two dimensions and the laevel of perceived power of parents by children is put under examination. Hence, children influence the household decisions based on the power they attribute to their parents. For this purpose, 382 students aging 11-16 from Uremia were selected using Stratified random sampling method, and the data were collected using questionnaires such as Sharon Paulson (1994) and Thomas Evin Smith (1970) survey data is collected. For reliability assessment, Cronbach’s alpha and test-retest of AlF test was used, the results of which indicate used questionnaires results were reliable and acceptable. Data obtained were investigated using SPSS software and analyzing regression equations and confirmatory factor analysis was. 


 parental style style, perceived power of parents, socialization, influence, children satisfaction


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