The Influence Of Company Reputation And Business Strategy To Company Performance On General Insurance Company In Indonesia
Dian C. Anggara , Yuyus Suryana , Umi Kaltum ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 59-67 | Views: 364 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463818
The position of Indonesia in the general insurance experienced negative growth in real terms, in which the value of premiumums nominally decreased from 2010. That is means that the growth of the value of premiumums of general insurance in Indonesia is negative and certainly lower than the rate of inflation. It is pointed out that the general insurance performance is not optimum. The condition presumably caused by weaknesses in competitive strategy and company reputation.The research objective is to examine the company reputation and competitive strategy and their influence on the performance of the general insurance company in Indonesia.This research are descriptive and verification. The unit of analysis in this study is the general insurance companies in Indonesia with a sample of 50 respondents. Time horizon is cross section / one shot, in which the information or data obtained from the results of research conducted at one particular time. Data collected from a questionnaire to the company. Data were analyzed descriptively and verification. The hypothesis is tested through PLS (Partial Least Square) models .The findings showed that the company reputation and competitive strategy in an effort to improve the performance of general insurance company in Indonesia has not been quite good. The conclusion are company reputation and competitive strategy simultaneously and partially affect company performance, competitive strategy has a greater influence to company performance rather than company reputation
Company Reputation, Competitive Strategy, Company Performance
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