Corporate Reputation And Customer Relationship Management Impact On Business Customers Purchase Decision (Research on International Medical Devices Business Customers of Indonesian Sphygmomanometer Manufacturer)
Gagan Sugandi , Ali Hasan PHD Scholar , Ernie Tisnawati Sule ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 68-84 | Views: 366 | Downloads: 98 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463835
The export marketing performance of Indonesian Sphygmomanometer Manufacturers decreased slightly since 2010 to 2013. This performance is always lower than target level of customer business share caused by the Sphygmomanometer manufacturers is still hard to create customer’s purchase decision in higher percentage. On the supply side, manufacturers still face many problems in developing a superior company reputation and excellent customer relations. This research aims to develop the concepts of company reputation and business customers relationship management in increasing business customers purchase decision of Indonesian Sphygmomanometer. This research is using explanatory survey methods. Four (4) Sphygmomanometer manufacturers in Indonesia were used as analysis unit. Fifty four (54) international customers we sampled through census method and were used as the observation unit.Time horizon is a cross section/one shoot. Data analysed through descriptive and causality. Testing hypotheses using PLS. The research found that company reputation and customer relationship management simultaneously and partially affect business customer purchase decision significantly. Partially, company reputation is shown to have the higher contribution to business customer purchase decision rather than customer relationship management.
Corporate Reputation, Business Customer Relationship Management, Business Customers Purchase Decision.
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