Marketing Strategy Performance for Decision Making In Choosing the Head of Regional Community (A Survey on the Election of Governor of North Sumatera Province, Indonesia)
Indra Jaya , Sucherly , Dwi Kartini- , Erie Febrian ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 111-124 | Views: 394 | Downloads: 104 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463857
Indonesia is a country that has the largest population in the world - after Tiongkok, India, and United States - has great potential to carry out a good democracy in the election of leaders, including the President and the Head of the Region, namely the governor and regent. Direct general election in according to the the mandate of the law that have been issued by the government provides that the implementation of the governors election, regent and mayor to make prospective candidates who will advance in the election trying to give an appointment to convince people to vote in the candidate winning effort. To be able to convince the audience of voters the candidates to make efforts in the political appointments to the society as marketing targets that will be collected as supplier of winning voice. According Tjiptono and Chandra (2012: 24) that marketing target is the transition of an effort to sell to each person to be the best serve target markets specifically formulated according to the market needed. Market target in vote community decision is the most fundamental thing in winning the election directly. Imaging through a work program or imaging a person in attempt to increase the bargaining power or influence to give a vote decision to the regional head candidates.
Marketing Strategy, Performance, Decision Making, Regional Community
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