Marketing Mix Performance on Customer Value and the Effect on Customer Trust and Customer Loyalty on Pt. Pindad (Persero) As the Army Defense Industry of Indonesia (A Survey on Customers)


Bachtiar Hasibuan , Suherly , Umi Kaltum , Septiadi Pd ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 136-143 | Views: 325 | Downloads: 93 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463861

Volume 5 - January 2016 (01)


An attempt to increase customer loyalty done by each business entities to achieve excellence compete sustainable demands that is very urgent .It is related to the government’s effort to realize good governance the centre of all these .One of the important elements in creating that would be improving the performance of hotchpotch marketing in order to get trust customers and in turn led to customer loyalty This research study of these efforts on defense industry land indonesia .Methods used is survey explanation , the survey was conducted to 60 samples from 319 companies that become customers pt .Pindad ( persero ) as producer of the defense industry land and prodk komersia indonesia . Respondents this research is top manager and middle manager of each company customers defense industry land indonesia .Technique data collection was carried out by communication of indirect with the help of an instrument of the questionnaire and study documentation .Data analysis be done in descriptive with the help of statistika average score terbobot and in inferential with Struktural Equation Modeling (SEM) – Partial Least Square (PLS). The data used was primary and secondary data. Based on the descriptive analysis on the hypothesis which were presented on the influence of Marketing Mix on Customer’s Value, Trust & Loyalty of PT Pindad (persero) as the defense manufacture supplier in Indonesia, we can conclude that: The overall Marketing Mix of PT Pindad (Persero) is categhorized as sufficient. The Customer’s Value of PT Pindad (Persero) is categhorized high. Overall Trust towards PT Pindad (Persero) is Trustworthy. The Overall Loyaltyt of PT Pindad (Persero) is categhorized Loyal. MM has significant influence on CV and L, which means that the sufficient performance of MM has influence it’s CV & L. CV of PT Pindad (Persero) is high, as it is being supported by the “after sales service” division, even it has no influece on Customer’s satisfaction & L. The customers of PT Pindad (Persero) are Loyal, eventhough the Customer’s satisfaction does not influence on L. The loyalty of PT Pindad (Persero)’s customers has not been formed, despite of it’s ability to produce superior products. The government as it’s main customer is not commited to purchase the weapons locally, especially from PT Pindad (Persero). The MM has 35% influence on CV, 34.8% on L, and 16.4 on the Customer’s Satisfaction, which means that the MM performance has significnt impact on CV


Marketing Mix, Performance on Customer, Customer Trust, Customer Loyalty, Army Defense, 


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