Analysis of role of Advertising on gaining Customer Satisfaction: an study based on Paint Industry of Pakistan


Kanwal H. Lakhani , Ghulam Mustafa , Hira Tahir , Waleed Warsi ,

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Volume 5 - February 2016 (02)


this study is made to provide deeper relation of Advertisement efforts on the customer satisfaction in Paint Industry. Therefore, this survey based study is specifically focused on one company. The extensive survey has been conducted to determine the primary response of the general buyers of Paint products. The responses then have been statistically analyzed using one sample T test. The study has concluded that Advertisement made by firms in paint Industry has positive effect on the customer satisfaction. The survey based study has concluded that the advertisements made by firms in paint Industry are highly creative and effective in filling the gap between customer and the firm’s management. It has been concluded that advertisement effectiveness can be acquired by being honest in Advertisement i.e. level of quality is same as it is expressed in their Ads. The effective Advertisement efforts can lead to enhance customer satisfaction and hence it may lead to Growth in sales. However, the respondents do not appear comfortable with price being charged.


Advertisement, customer satisfaction, Creative Ads


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